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  • Sustainable Libraries, Resilient Communities | The 2025 Maine Library Association Annual Meeting and Conference

Sustainable Libraries, Resilient Communities | The 2025 Maine Library Association Annual Meeting and Conference

  • 19 May 2025
  • 8:00 AM
  • 20 May 2025
  • 4:30 PM
  • Sunday River Ski Resort - Grand Summit Hotel


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Active MASL members can register at the same price as MLA members. 1-Day attendance.
  • Active MASL members can register at the same price as MLA members. 2-Day attendance.
  • Attendee is an active MLA member and will attend 1 day of the conference.
  • Attendee is an active MLA member and will attend both days of the conference.
  • Attendee is not an active member of MLA and will attend 1 day of the conference.

    *Please note: If you are an active member of MASL and not MLA, you can register at the MLA member price.
  • Attendee is not an active member of MLA and will attend both days of the conference.

    *Please note: If you are an active member of MASL and not MLA, you can register at the MLA member price.
  • We first introduced a discounted rate in 2022, which is intended for students, retired library workers who like to stay in the loop, and library workers who are between jobs. The 2025 pricing has increased to reflect our costs to host the conference and isn't an income generating registration category for the association.

    If you are employed full-time and also a student, we ask that you select another registration type. Please apply for a Conference Grant if you need financial support to attend.

    Membership is required for this rate.
  • We first introduced a discounted rate in 2022, which is intended for students, retired library workers who like to stay in the loop, and library workers who are between jobs. The 2025 pricing has increased to reflect our costs to host the conference and isn't an income generating registration category for the association.

    If you are employed full-time and also a student, we ask that you select another registration type. Please apply for a Conference Grant if you need financial support to attend.

    Membership is required for this rate.


2025 Maine Library Association Annual Meeting and Conference

May 19-20th at Sunday River Grand Summit Hotel

This year's theme will focus on the roles of various aspects of sustainability in libraries and how libraries support resilient communities. 

Monday Keynote Speaker: Rebekkah Smith Aldrich

Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, MLS, LEED AP, is the co-founder of the Sustainable Libraries Initiative and a co-creator of the award-winning Sustainable Library Certification Program. Currently the executive director of the Mid-Hudson Library System (NY), Rebekkah has been invited to speak on the topic of sustainability around the world and has written extensively on the topic of sustainability, including the titles Sustainable Thinking: Ensuring Your Libraries Future in an Uncertain World and Resilience, part of the ALA Futures Series. Rebekkah was named a Library Journal Mover & Shaker, and in 2018 received the Outstanding Service to Libraries Award from the New York Library Association.

Tuesday Keynote Speaker:  TBA!

Conference sessions

The conference subcommittee has accepted the following conference sessions. A draft schedule will be available in the coming weeks. 


Our Monday keynote speaker, Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, MLS, LEED AP, of the Sustainable Libraries Initiative, will present a half day workshop on Sunday 5/18: From Anxiety to Action: How the Sustainable Libraries Certification Program Builds Stronger Communities. To learn more and register:


To book a room at the Grand Summit Hotel, use this link for the group rate. The discounted rate is good from Saturday night through Tuesday night, in case you want to extend your stay a bit to enjoy the scenery, trails, and the heated pool!


Confirmed presenters will be sent a code to access the presenter rates for registration. If you are a confirmed presenter and have not received a code, contact Pamela Bobker at

Due to the rising costs associated with the conference, the conference committee eliminated the early bird pricing rate rather than raise conference rates for all registration categories. The previous student/retired/unemployed rate was financially unsustainable for the organization and it has been increased to reflect our costs. Conference grants are available for those with demonstrated financial need. Please see: for more information and to apply.

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel your registration, you can cancel for a full refund through April 25th. No refunds will be given after that time. If you need to cancel, please email Michelle Scheier, our Association Administrator at

Please direct all registration questions by email to Meg Gray:

Maine Library Association

55 N. Main Street, Unit 49

Belchertown, MA 01007


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