Maine Library Association

Outstanding Library Advocate Award

The Outanding Library Advocate Award began in 2022 to expand the recognition of library advocacy beyond the field of journalism.

This award goes to someone who is not necessarily a librarian, but who has contributed to a library or to the profession in some significant way. An advocate can be a volunteer, paraprofessional, town official, teacher, principal, professor, trustee, sponsor, supporter, or ally – anyone whose advocacy of the profession warrants praise.

Previous recipients include:

2023 - Holly Williams. Holly, formerly Director of Pittsfield Public Library and now Head of Circulation at Bangor Public Library, courageously served as a rural library advocate. She rallied community support and challenged a town council decision to cut the library's budget and staffing. Her efforts resulted in continued funding and even an increase for the next fiscal year.

20220 - Evelyn A. Fifth-grade student Evelyn A. bravely provided public testimony to the School Committee regarding a book challenge at the York Middle School Library.

Maine Library Association

55 N. Main Street, Unit 49

Belchertown, MA 01007


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