Maine Library Association

Our Mission and What We Do

The Maine Library Association (MLA) was founded in 1891 to promote library interests in the state. Over the years, we have focused on building relationships, supporting education, and advocating for libraries and library workers. 

Mission Statement

Our mission is to advocate for Maine libraries and library workers, foster cooperation, offer professional development, and provide leadership in ensuring that information is accessible to all.


We envision a Maine library ecosystem where: 

  • Library workers have frequent and affordable access to professional development, networking, and conference attendance, and where wages and library budgets are not a barrier to MLA membership. 
  • Wages for Maine library workers are more consistently in line with the level of skills and education involved, the work performed, and with comparable professions. 
  • Libraries of all types have strong and responsive support from the Maine library community and its partners, in advocating for intellectual freedom and opposing censorship. 
  • Library workplaces in Maine are increasingly diverse, representative of the communities they serve, and prioritize social equity. 
  • Libraries model economic and environmental sustainability in their communities.

Strategic Plan

MLA Strategic Plan 23-25



MLA supports Maine libraries in their efforts to defend, maintain, and grow their operating budgets, and advocate for better wages in libraries at all job levels; promotes intellectual freedom in libraries and schools and supports public policy and legislation that advances the missions of Maine libraries; and 

Conference and Continuing Education

We develop continuing education and professional development opportunities for our members, such as monthly Coffee Chats and the annual Maine Library Association Annual Conference. 


MLA groups offer the opportunity to work on areas of special interest, network with like-minded colleagues across the state and across library types, and to work towards the betterment of libraries in Maine. Have an impact by participating in an special interest or advocacy group, or on one of the committees that keeps our organization working. 


Work with partners and coalitions to advance community goals, such as literacy, digital equity, open dialogue, civic engagement, sustainability, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

    Maine Library Association

    55 N. Main Street, Unit 49

    Belchertown, MA 01007


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