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  • Exhibitor and Sponsor Registration for the 2025 Annual Conference - Sustainable Libraries, Resilient Communities

Exhibitor and Sponsor Registration for the 2025 Annual Conference - Sustainable Libraries, Resilient Communities

  • 19 May 2025
  • 8:00 AM
  • 20 May 2025
  • 4:00 PM
  • Sunday River Grand Summit Hotel, Newry ME


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • - your logo in the conference materials recognizing vendors, including website
    - access to list of attendees
  • Exhibitor Table includes: 1 dressed table with two chairs and electricity, wireless internet; conference meals for one (continental breakfast, lunch, coffee break), your logo in the printed schedule and on the conference website, access to attendees list.
  • All of the Exhibitor benefits plus:
    - name/logo recognition on signage at registration and main ballroom
    - logo and recognition in our Annual Report
  • All of the Bronze benefits plus:
    - conference meals for two
    - name/logo recognition on signage in breakout sessions
    - One personalized shout-out on MLA social media and listserv
    - logo and recognition in our Annual Report
  • All of the Silver benefits plus:
    - logo on the program cover
    - logo and recognition in our Annual Report
    - recognition from organizers at lunch
    - an email to our full membership
  • Includes: a dressed table with two chairs and electricity, wireless internet access, your logo in the printed schedule and on the conference website, access to attendees list, and conference meals for one (continental breakfast, lunch, and coffee service).


Please join us as an exhibitor or sponsor for our annual conference, May 19-20, 2025 at Sunday River Ski Resort in Newry, Maine!

This year's theme will focus on the roles of various aspects of sustainability in libraries and how libraries support resilient communities. Each day will feature two dedicated exhibitor sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon where coffee and snacks will be served. 

Monday Keynote Speaker: Rebekkah Smith Aldrich

Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, MLS, LEED AP, is the co-founder of the Sustainable Libraries Initiative and a co-creator of the award-winning Sustainable Library Certification Program. Currently the executive director of the Mid-Hudson Library System (NY), Rebekkah has been invited to speak on the topic of sustainability around the world and has written extensively on the topic of sustainability, including the titles Sustainable Thinking: Ensuring Your Libraries Future in an Uncertain World and Resilience, part of the ALA Futures Series. Rebekkah was named a Library Journal Mover & Shaker, and in 2018 received the Outstanding Service to Libraries Award from the New York Library Association.

Tuesday Keynote Speaker:  TBA!


Sunday River is offering a group rate on hotel rooms for any night, Sunday thru Tuesday. Here is a link to access the group rate, which will also be included in your confirmation email. 

Please direct all questions by email to Meg Gray:


Maine Library Association

55 N. Main Street, Unit 49

Belchertown, MA 01007


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