August 19, 2013
Ellswoth Public Library
20 State Street
Ellsworth, Maine 04605
Guest Speakers include:
Carrie Jones, YA author of the Need series, who will speak about how to reach a teen audience.
A representative from Cornerstones of Science will discuss lots of great ideas for next year's Science SRP themes.
Many librarians with programming ideas to share!
Registration is $20, which includes coffee, breakfast and lunch. Lunch will be provided by Big Cat Catering and will include your choice of a Turkey or Hummus Wrap (vegetarian), a side of coleslaw or fruit, a cookies and a brownie for dessert. Bottled water will be provded.
Registration is due Monday, August 5th. If you have any questions please contact Abby Morrow amorrow@ellsworth.lib.me.us or MaryAnn Lanzikos malanzikos@yahoo.com.
Directions: Click on the directions link below to create specific directions from your location to Ellsworth Public Library.
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